Hello ,
It’s funny how much the weather affects our mood and wellbeing. This winter the temperature has been up and down quite a bit. Early morning temps ranged from 5 deg to 18 deg in September. Hot, cold, dry, wet, windy and still - we had it all. Don’t worry this is not another climate
change discussion but more of an internal climate discussion. When we talk weather we are not just talking about the outside weather, but the storms that are going on within ourselves, the heated discussions we might have with other or the frozen shoulder we might get politely or otherwise shown.
"Weather" effects our well being in many ways and specifically our gut. We certainly had some interesting
bellies coming across our table this month. Stress is an understatement for most of them, despite their owners 'not really feeling affected by the weather in their outside world'.
It seems the colon is a mirror for everything going on in our lives. The ancients believed that our colon was affected by Hermetic influences.
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates; everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet;
all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."
They would seek an answer to colon dysfunction by finding which of these principles was out of balance. Not an easy task!
Of course clinical practice has moved on since then, but what an interesting set of principles to contemplate in relation to the colon. It seems that literally everything has an impact on our colon and colon health...
So, the question remains! What can you do to look after your colon?
The 4 research articles we explored this month talk about:
Colon cleansing – good or bad?
8 inexpensive remedies for colon cleansing
How to regenerate, heal and protect the intestinal mucosa
Coffee enemas – why are they beneficial?
If you have been feeling stressed and run down, now is the best time to think about a little bit of regeneration work for your
Spring is here and with it, the time change (for some of us going into Summer-Time). Please remember that we are in NSW if you come from QLD.
On a different note – If you haven't seen Anne yet you are in for a treat. She is a natural in the field, thanks to her years of experience as nurse and Shiatsu therapist.
Kellie has taken an extended sabbatical and we are looking forward to having Lorelei back from her sabbatical. Life is good and moving on for all of us.
We are excited to help you on your belly health journey. See you soon.