Hello ,
All around the world it is the festive season again, at our house it we call it
Christmas. There are many names for the annual change of the seasons, many cultural differences. The one thing they all have in common is celebration! This often leads to over-indulging on many levels.
It’s not as if we go out of our way to over-indulge it’s just part and parcel of family get togethers or drinks with friends. Remembering the year past and expressing our hopes for the future. In
these festive circumstances where overindulging is easy, we have to be carful not to become to acid.
This month in our library we will be sharing data and research on the acid alkaline balance in the body and why it is so important.
What exactly is hyperacidity?
What does acidity have to do with a heart attack?
The top 9 alkaline foods
How to get the correct balance of acid and alkalinity in your body/
In a nutshell, the pH of bodily
fluids, organs, and other components often influence the biochemical reactions that support various functions, such as digestion, metabolism, and hormonal production.
PH is important because the enzymes that catalyze the chemical reactions of life require a specific pH in order to function. Also, if the pH is increased or decreased too much, biochemicals like proteins
can break down and become non-functional, resulting in cell death.
Increasing alkalinity in your body is said to boost your overall health and reduce your risk of this breakdown and associated chronic disease.
On another personal note, many of you know that I was working for a long time on the Vitalis Training website and I'm happy
to say that it is now online. Check it out at colonictraining.com.au
Have a great 2024!