Hello ,
This month in the Vitalis Library we published 4 articles on the liver, its
function and why it is one of the most important organs of the body.
The Hottest thing for your Liver
The bad news about your Liver and acid-blockers
Is Keto good or Bad for your
Artichoke and other Liver support
The main function of the liver is to
filter all of the blood in the body and break down poisonous substances. However, like most things in modern medicine, there are a number of opposing view points and positions about treatments for malfunctioning liver conditions. Many of the drugs prescribed to help conditions have severe side effects.
The liver has a unique capacity among organs to regenerate itself after damage. A liver can regrow
to a normal size even after up to 90% of it has been removed. An amazing achievement of the body that some would argue is proof of a divine influence. This attribute certainly can not be explained by science as of yet.
Multifunctional – Our liver simultaneously performs over 200 important functions for the body. Responsible for supporting metabolism, immunity, digestion and
In Greek mythology, the liver is regarded as the location of one's passion, emotion, anger, and wrath.
In one story Prometheus was punished by Zeus because he stole fire to give back to mankind. He was chained to a rock in the mountains and every day an eagle came and ate part of his liver. Each
night, his liver would regrow, which meant he had to endure his punishment for eternity. Perhaps this is why anger is associated with the liver, eternal punishment would make anyone mad.
Most of the classics associate anger with the Liver, which is why the Liver is the 'General', but in fact there are many emotions associated with the Liver which include melancholy, hatred, neuroticism, rage, threat,
overwhelm, contempt, disgust, guilt, shame, regret, depression as well as surprise.
Finally there is substantial research to say that Coffee is one of the best beverages you can drink to promote liver health (of course, we prefer ours as a rather 'long black' the other way).
Please join us in the Vitalis
library this month and read our articles to learn more about the importance of your liver, what you should be considering and how to best benefit from good liver health.
See you next month.