Hello ,
I get quite a few newsletters from various organisations and try to read them
all. Always interesting, often providing good information and resources. They can also be an inspiration for research topics related to my clinical practice.
With all the faults of the hyper media world we live in, newsletters have got to be one of the better things about technology!
I love reading the feedback I get about our Newsletter and I'm happy that all the hard work and effort towards staying in touch are appreciated by our readers.
The Easter holidays have come and gone. All that sugar and poor digestion can eliminate the beneficial bacteria in the human gut. Hence this month we looked at the topic of 'Healthy Eating'
Why probiotic-foods are so important
Pros and Cons of Carbohydrates
Tips for a healthy-digestion and
The benefits of a plant-based-diet
Also in April we had the passing of the total solar eclipse. Many of
us have used the time to reflect on the year past, before winter sets in. In the Northern hemisphere people reflect more on the passing of winter and the freshness of spring and new growth.
It doesn’t matter, any time we spend reflecting is good time.
Personally, I am glad that all the dooms say about events surrounding the eclipse did not happen. Instead, I'm an advocate of creating more joy and more holidays in our culture.
I would love to have a 4-day weekend every week of January. As a way of easing back into work. This would be better than the divisive arguments
about Australia Day. We could still have Australia Day but add Aboriginal Recognition Day and Explorer day for Cpt Cook.
Before Easter we could have a Day light savings holiday. Perhaps call it Clock Setting Day. Have you ever tried to set the clock in your oven or your car? It’s no picnic, half a day gone right there. You almost need an engineering degree to be able to change out every electronic
item in your house and business.
Of course, Queenslanders would be exempt from the clock setting holiday except on the border where all the scheduling mishaps happen twice a year.
At least we don't have to worry about this now until
I personally look forward to the cooler time ahead and some exciting new developments in our shop - stay tuned.