Before we get started I wanted to thank everyone who wrote in to offer feedback about last month’s newsletter.
We received quite a number of responses. Mostly people appreciated the sentiment. Some remarked that it was nice to hear a good story for a change about the pandemic. Another reader suggested being careful about the words we use is paramount to well-being and they thought practicing the use of better words as we suggested would be a good start.
It seems like there has been a void of good sentiment during the pandemic and we at Vitalis Health are glad to inspire any positive emotions. Thank you
Traditionally, it is the time of year where we start to reflect on the time gone and contemplate our wishes and hopes for the future.
This year, I believe, most people will have the hope that life will go back to normal. Not “New Normal“, just normal.
We know that hope is an important part of healing, without it we have no chance at seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Another important part is forgiveness. We have to move on and apply forgiveness to those who have acted out of character.
At the Vitalis Health Clinic we always try to instill hope as part of our treatment. We like to point out possible solutions and ways forward, rather than staying in the past. Let's use this time for all of us to move on, forgive and be hopeful.
Even so, the past is important because we learn from our experiences, the trick is not to fall into stagnation: as time changes – we change. And things we tried in the past that didn’t work, might work now. This applies to our health in ways we cannot even calculate.
We need to stay open to possibilities and listen to our ‘gut’ (not a surprise coming from a Colon Hydrotherapist) The world seems a better place and life is much easier when our digestive system is functioning well
And to assist you next year in functioning well, we will continue with more exciting articles every week in our website library. Designed to bring you health information that makes sense, encourage you to try different approaches and inspire you to go where you have not gone before on your health journey.
Our 12 newsletters next year will take an in depth look into particular health topics and offer you some great recipes to support your health journey.
These are just some of the topics on the agenda for 2022
· Fatty Liver
· Magnesium
· Nervous Stomach
· Digestion
· Microbiome
· Vitamin Deficiencies
· Constipation
· Celiac Disease
· Weight loss
· Bloating
· Mineral Deficiencies
· Liver & Gallbladder
And let’s not forget our joke section, something to make you laugh will be available every week on our website.
From all of us at Vitalis Health:
"A heartfelt thank you for being our loyal customer.
May this coming year bring you health, joy and happiness."