A new year is bringing new energy . Even so you might not feel it right now – the tide is shifting and to help this shift we have to keep our thoughts focused on what we want – not on what we don’t want.
Making new year’s resolution doesn’t work for many people. We all have good intentions and maybe even have an upsurge in enthusiasm, but reality quickly sets in and we become disappointed that we couldn’t achieve what we wanted.
My husband would say – you obviously didn’t want it bad enough – otherwise you would have had the discipline. There is an element of truth in his statement.
Of course we always have extensive and very good reasons why we couldn’t do it. But do we really? Or are we kidding ourselves?
Being honest with ourselves can be a challenge and can really push our buttons if someone else happens to point the truth out – as it generally is not what we want to hear.
Bottom line – it is never too late to change and to pick up where we left off.
Maybe being honest with ourselves about how much we can realistically do – not what the Social media world wants us to believe everybody else can do – is a good start.
It is ok and a good thing that we are all different. That we have different wants and needs. And that we move at a different pace.
This is very apparent when treating clients. We need to assess and apply protocols that suit individuals – what a task! With health tools, one is not better than the other because our health needs are all so different.
Slow and steady is good. Sometimes fast and furious works too. Only you know what is working best for you at this time.
People often think of Colon Hydrotherapy as only working with the colon – but in our body – as in life- everything is connected.
The colon has other associated organs that are part of the digestive system. And they are all affected by stress.
A good liver today can be a fatty liver tomorrow, even without alcohol.
We really all have enough stress, we don’t need to make more stress for ourselves!
Keep this in mind when you think about your plans for this year.
And remember that absolutely nothing goes, if your health is not up for it.
For me health was always my number one goal, simply because I didn’t have it.
Now that I have it, I still keep it my number one, as I know how life can be without it.
So the only thing we can do is to continue to live, learn and grow. Continue the journey, create meaning in our lives and knowing that our thoughts and intentions are the most powerful tools we have.
Wishing you calm weeks ahead and we will see you next month.