Already another month has gone – and no wonder - as February is the shortest month of the year.
February is named from the Latin word februum which means purification. It reminds us that we should look after ourselves and cleanse not only on the outside but also on the inside. That means we need to look at our spiritual and emotional wellbeing too. Speaking of emotional wellbeing, Valentine’s day has just past, but more
about that later.
As the days here in the southern hemisphere have steadily grown shorter, with a promise of autumn just a calendar page away, on the physical side, now is the time to think about how we prepare for winter and how we want to emerge in Spring (ideally not with another 10 pounds extra on the scale)
Unless you are looking at February from the Saxon term for the month, Sol-monath, which means "cake month".
The Chinese celebrate New Year in February. And 2022 is the year of the Tiger – as the name promises – an exciting year to come.
I myself look forward to a year with more movement and excitement. After 2 stagnant years with less exercise and many restrictions on freedom, a bit of Tiger energy will do a lot of good.
More exercise also means that your body will require more minerals and electrolytes. Hence this month articles on Magnesium. A mineral we all have heard off, particularly if you tend to have cramps. But Magnesium has a plethora of functions in the body to fulfill and we need to make sure we get enough and in the right
Meanwhile, some interesting things happened this month, socially and culturally. I am not talking about mandates or lock downs or the Canadian Truck Convoy or even the Ukraine/Russia stand-off.
What I am talking about is Valentine’s day!
In a cultural sense Valentine’s day has morphed into being for everyone. Friends are now using the cultural event of Valentine’s day to send uplifting messages to their friends and people in their lives, besides their lovers. Work mates, colleagues and even our trading partners are using the excuse to open
dialogue and show appreciation.
I received several Valentines from friends this year, some childhood friends who drew little hearts and wrote messages like friends for ever. I received one from the courier service I use saying I was their favorite customer.
I think this is good. People finding an excuse to say something nice to people in their lives, people they care about or even do business with. With all the dastardly messaging over the past few years this new trend of sending Valentines to people who you have no romantic interest in is kind of
Traditionally Valentine’s day was for lovers and probably still is seen that way by the many. Feast day of Saint Valentine is simply known as the celebration of love and affection.
St Valentine was a martyr who was imprisoned in Rome for ministering to Christians who were persecuted by the Romans for their conflict with the traditional various gods of early Rome. Saint Valentine is said to have restored sight to the blind daughter of his jailer (some say it was early cataract surgery which
the Romans were known to perfect very early in history). Legend claims he wrote the jailer's daughter a letter signed "Your Valentine" as a farewell before his execution.
Whatever caused this out pour of kind words between people is a welcome relief in our current confused and divisive society and I am happy for it.
Too late to say Happy Valentine’s day to you all, so instead I will leave you with this Romantic but very well-known Valentines poem which I received from my betrothed who copied it out of our encyclopedia. Not many points for originality, but big points for effort. Plus he drew a heart with an arrow
through it and colored it in with a red sharpie.
The rose is red, the violet's blue,
The honey's sweet, and so are you.
Thou art my love and I am thine;
I drew thee to my Valentine:
The lot was cast and then I drew,
And Fortune said it should be you!
On a final note, if you are thinking of doing a autumn or winter cleanse – now is the time to book your sessions. The clinic seems to be booked out at least one months ahead at this stage and since our standards are so high we are finding it difficult to get experienced and well-trained clinicians to help.
I have trained a number of CHT’s over the past few years but most of them start their own business or work for existing clinics elsewhere, none of them in our region. So if you know of anybody that needs steady work or a new career please send them our way. Our training centre has placements open throughout the year.
The clinic will be closed most of the month of May for annual holidays.
Special of the Month – 10% off Barley Grass- It tastes like Valentines chocolate! Ok that is a lie but it is good for you so enjoy.
Tip: Mix your Barley Grass in the blender to make it creamy and then add a pinch of raw Cacao or Cinnamon to give it a little extra zing!
Wishing you a relaxed month