Winter is well and truly upon us here in the Southern Hemisphere. Some places colder than others.
Covid 19 is keeping many of us at home, isolated. This can be hard for a number of reasons but at Vitalis Health we endeavour to see the bright side of things. We see this as a welcome respite from our busy modern lifestyle. A chance to find more enjoyment in the everyday aspects of our lives.
Time to hang out the washing instead of using the dryer. More time to prepare good healthy meals at home. Ones that compliment digestion and support a healthy peristaltic process. On the Queensland border we are eating lighter and fresher foods this time of year than our neighbouring states like Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania where roast dinners and vegetarian
comfort foods help to fight off the cold.
No matter what your diet is this time of year, we all have to pay attention to our digestion. What foods keep the microbiome in good working order or what foods have an adverse effect. The answer is different for everyone !
With that in mind ; Please read the articles below if you want to get a broader view of the important subject of digestion. This month we have put together a complete guide to assist you on your journey to better digestive health.