We are so blessed with the weather up here in the Northern Rivers. I see many people out in t-shirts walking or going for a swim. The days are sunny and the nights are cold. It really is a terrific time of the year.
I tend to be a bit dramatic about the cold because as a child I always felt really cold in winter with all my bits frozen and a blue face. This is the reason why I live here in Australia. The weather is kind to us in comparison with Germany.
But it doesn’t matter where you’re from if the cold affects you in a bad way.
For me the mornings are freezing in July. I always tell my husband that it is really cold and wintery. He scoffs at me in his t-shirt and shorts and reminds me of my native home. The cold snowy fields in scenic wintery conditions.... he describes it like a Walt Disney movie.
I hardly ever correct him because I always get a warm cuddle when he starts in with the song of the sirens. But he is right in a way, there is something special about our memories of the past, holiday celebrations steeped in hundreds of years of tradition and the winter games in the snow. In fact those memories are all the more precious now with worldwide bans on travel and no
understanding of what the future will bring.
For now its pretty good here, our communities are prosperous and happy, shirts and a billabong hoodie have replaced the handsome winter jackets and big scarfs and hats of my youth and it feels good to reminisce. After all, winter is a time for reflection.
We hope you enjoy sitting in front of a fireplace, reading your favorite book and try one of our kohlrabi recipes. I love Kohlrabi – raw in summer and cooked in winter. We also have a nice wintery biscuit in our library this month for those chilly afternoons.
We get quite a bit of feedback about our recipes, because they are all gluten free, easy to make and yummy.
You see, we spend a lot of time on our health articles researching and trying to present clear content but get a lot less feedback. We spend less time on the recipes and have a lot more fun, and get more feedback.
So thank you for taking the time to read and enjoy our newsletter and sharing your thoughts with us.
In that spirit we want to reward our readers. Every month we will be offering a different health product at discounted rates exclusively to you.
In August our Zeolite Powder will be on sale to anyone who mentions the newsletter.
Have a great time and enjoy these beautiful winter days.