And "Hello Spring!"
I have been excited about getting outside with the warmer weather, it’s easy as I don’t have to wear 5 layers of clothes so walking in the cool spring air has done wonders for my mind set. The water is still a bit cool for me or the temperature outside is not great enough, I don’t know which. But outside I am. Yippee!
This month we will be talking about Spring Cleansing as opposed to Spring Cleaning. As you know tradition calls for us to open the windows in our home , let the air and sunshine in. Clean out the dust, wash the windows and shake out the carpets. The same idea applies to our bodies and we like to call it Spring Cleansing.
I don’t want to give much time to the dreaded pandemic in this newsletter. We have all discussed it at length and many of us are over it. Of course we are all sad for those still restricted in their movements. But for now, up here ,in the Northern Rivers, we can all go outside and I recommend we do.
Now it’s time to shed the winter pounds and start our health regimes, really get thinking about those fasts and cleanses. Notice how I said get thinking and not, get going. This is because as we get older, fasting and cleansing regimes need more attention and care from us than they did in the past.
I had a less than robust childhood and suffered immensely from illness into my late 20’s and doctors had no idea how to help me with issues like chronic fatigue and other illness. This is what led me to seek alternate health regimes to change what my doctors could not. And ultimately why I am here writing this newsletter.
I have to admit to being extremely enthusiastic with fasting after some success with detoxification when I was younger. Before my clinical practice in my 20’s I would launch into a fast at a moment’s notice, something I read in a Dr Jenson book would inspire me and I was ready to go with little or no preparation. I was ready for the reset!
These experiences always taught me something new that I could apply to my next fast or cleanse. That said, many mistakes were revealed to me. Mistakes I made, not because I was careless, but because I would fast often as a reaction, I wanted to experiment and I did not know where to start. I wanted to learn as much as I could about better ways of living than my ancestors. I didn’t consider anatomy and
physiology as I do in my clinical practice. No planned regimes. It was all inspiration and perspiration.
Let’s face it, at that age we are bullet proof anyway. If I thought my pants felt tight, I would just not eat for two days and be back to normal. Those were the days.
These days I consider many things, including some things we only think about after we get to a certain age and stage. I have grown wiser about preparation. Taking care to make time to think about where to start is paramount. I have continually refined these notions in clinical practice and try to teach my students critical thinking as a way forward for ourselves and our patients. Assessment, valuation ,
planning and the knowledge that these tools are not right or wrong but mechanisms to build on your experience, knowledge and success.
We need to consider that when we are planning for Spring Cleansing we are not only cleansing the body. I would argue that we have to consider what I call the Southern Cross- Mind, Body, Spirt, and Emotions. We have to ask questions like: Do I cleanse the liver first, or do I flush my kidneys? Or is it heavy metals? What is my current supplement regime? How much do I weigh? What is
my end goal with this cleanse?
I can safely argue that the place to start is with a colonic. Of course as a Colon Hydrotherapist I am pre-disposed to that position. This is because CHT always brings benefits quickly and easily, helping to identify other issues in the process. This helps to establish a starting point for your body cleansing program after the winter months have passed. As holistic CHT’s we can help you figure out where
to start with your Spring Cleansing.
Springtime is a state of mind. New season, Regeneration, Excitement, Energy! Spring is for getting outside, planning and discussing the summers health regime with your professionals, friends and partners. Making plans and setting up a program. Even if you don’t follow it like a disciplined soldier, it will bring the ideas forward in your thinking and help you manifest a better healthier you as you
enter the warm weather.
Get cracking on THINKING about what you could do or plan and then do it with gusto. There are plenty of online classes about health and wellbeing. If you can’t go far just open the window and pretend you are outside. Take the time to research and educate yourself about subjects that interest you.
For example: if you are still looking for answers to reduce or eliminate EMF electropollution from your life, than here’s something that you’ll want to check out and reserve your virtual seat for this while it’s still free: EMF Hazards Summit →
Remember, our Vitalis Health library is full of interesting articles and recipes. Take your phone/tablet and find a sunny spot to enjoy some good reading. Get out, enjoy the Springtime and brighten your spirits. Life is good.
By the way, we are currently on the lookout for passionate ‘poo fairies’ to join our tribe here at Vitalis Health for part time work. If this interests you, please contact us to discuss the opportunities available at the Vitalis Training Centre. All our CHT graduates finish their coursework well trained and on a path to success working as Holistic Colon Hydrotherapists. We also offer advanced courses for existing CHT’s and have trained many staff members for new business owners in our